
Custom designed and produced castings, ready for assembly and for the market

Our customised iron castings for the renewable energy, handling and transport, machine tool, presses and infrastructure industries can be delivered to the client raw, as well as machined and certified, ready to be assembled and used.
We produce ferritic nodular cast iron, pearlitic nodular iron, grey cast iron and ductile iron for ADI

foundry ariotti sectors product 02

Wind power/energy

foundry ariotti sectors product 01

Handling and transport

foundry ariotti sectors product 05

Machine tools

foundry ariotti sectors product 04


foundry ariotti sectors product 03


We produce ferritic nodular cast iron, pearlitic nodular iron, grey cast iron and ductile iron for ADI

Wind power/energy

wind energy porta satellite 1

Planet Carrier 1st stage
3-15 ton

wind energy porta satellite 2

Planet Carrier 2nd stage
1-4 ton

wind energy housing

Gearbox housing
1-5 ton

wind energy torque arm

Torque arm
2-10 ton

wind energy moment arm b

Torque arm
2-10 ton

wind energy turbina

Hydro turbine
3-10 ton

wind energy pala

Blade for hydro turbine
500-1000 kg

wind energy spirale

Volute for compressors
2-10 ton

turbine inner casing

Turbine inner casing
1-20 ton

Handling and transport

transport handling coperchio riduttore

Gearbox cover
50-1000 Kg

transport handling scatola riduttore

Gearbox housing
50-3000 kg

transport handling supporto

Bracket frame
500 Kg

Machine tools

machine tools tavola tornio

Table for lathes
3-50 ton

machine tools tavola alesatrice

Table for boring and milling machines
2-50 ton

machine tools ram

1-5 ton

machine tools testa

Spindle head
100-500 kg

machine tools carro

1-5 ton

machine tools basamento

Machine bed
1-30 ton


presses testa a reazione b

Cylinder Plate
fino a 70 ton

presses cassa iniezione

Injection housing
300-3000 kg

presses biella

100-5000 kg

presses volano

1-40 ton

presses piano fisso

Fixed plate
fino a 70 ton

presses piano mobile

Moving plate
fino a 70 ton


infrastructure gabel swinglever

Swing Lever
1-20 ton

infrastructure hebel

Roller Shaft Boss
1-20 ton

infrastructure schoessel

Grinding table
1-50 ton

infrastructure valvola a farfalla b

Butterfly valve
100 kg – 5 ton

infrastructure corpo valvola

Valve body
10 ton

infrastructure walzenkern

Roller hub
1-30 ton